Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spirit of Enterprise

The cosmic malfunction which has hovered over the Indian medicine delivery has finally been unblocked  and I have had confirmation this afternoon that the drug is winging its way to Bamako courtesy of FEDEX. Hopefully it will be arriving about the same time as Keita and I do so he can start his treatment.
I am celebrating this breakthrough by showing a funny picture from happier times here in Djenné: it is a sign that I painted many years ago and put up  in the centre of Djenné to advertise trips with Max and the beautiful carriage I had specially made and installed with sunshade and cushioned seats for tourist trips to Diabolo and Sirimo and other villages in the surrounding country side. I used to ride with Napoleon or Maobi and we would have picnics under a great tree somewhere on the plains.
It was only yesterday that I noticed that some enterprising competitor for similar trips  has exchanged the hotel  telephone number in the bottom left hand corner for his own! Oh, well, that was a long time ago- such trips have not been on the agenda here for years..
Oh, and there is some development on the goat front. Boubakar and I caught two of the little pests today munching away at the millet in Petit Bandit's stable while he was lying down on his hay having his afternoon nap apparently  oblivious to the fact that his provisions were being depleated! We  tied them up in the garden again, but this time our neighbour did not turn up straight away... The goats were bleating away under the flambuoyant tree until well after dinner when Andrea and I had repaired to my place to watch a film. Then he dared coming and just walked into the garden and untied them said Boubakar indignantly when he came to knock on my door to report the incident.
It has to be said, it is impossible to imagine a guardian  less suited to inspire fear and trembling than Boubakar...


Blogger David said...

I think a Russian-style assassination attempt with untraceable poison might be the best remedy. But then again, the poor goats are just doing their thing...

You would LOVE the Icelandic film Rams, which is about both the animal and human varieties. And territory and competition...

8:49 AM  
Blogger Pascal et Monique said...

Merci pour ce nouveau post et son souffle léger. On a adoré l'histoire des chèvres et on attend la suite du feuilleton!
Quant à Keita,... que tes efforts sans limite pour te procurer les medicaments lui apportent le soulagement que l'on espère tous.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Laurent said...

I should send you recipes for Goat Stew, this way next time, the owner can sample a nice dish. That should solve the problem.

3:06 AM  

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