The gentle, knowlegable Monsieur Tiecora is a retired agronomist civil servant who has kindly attached himself to the Djenné Djenno team to sort out my vegetable nursery. M.Tiecora trained in Bamako University in the early days of independance. He was then amongst the first to be sent off for post graduate training in Russia in the days of Chrustiev, an initiative started by the first Malian president Modibo Keita. In M. Tiecora's case it meant spending two years on a
Tomorrow we are going to plant all the seeds that Kathy and Dan gave me. Among them are asparagus seeds. M. Tiecora says they ate lots of asparagus on the
Kolchos, (can't have been that bad..?)and we should have
no problem growing them- how about that Cressida?
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