The greatest cause of death is still malaria here, by a large measure, and that is due to the scandalous prices of the treatment available. A course of treatment with the European or American commercially produced drugs available here costs in the region of 6000 FCFA. As a comparison a domestic maid in an African home earns about 5-6000 FCFA a month.
The indomitable Dr. Kraisintu is about to change that with the help of the Thai government. She has already started an initiative in Kenya, where her highly effective drug is already produced at a fraction of the cost of the imported drugs. Now she is cranking up some venerable old Chinese pharmaceutical machines in Bamako, relics from 46 years ago and President Modibo Keita's flirtation with China at the beginning of independence.
The drug will be called Thamasunate here. Good luck to this formidable lady and her initiative.

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