Wednesday, March 17, 2010

There are not many Swedes venturing this way, therefore I was pleased to welcome the intrepid Lars, who had cycled all the way from Sweden. He has already crossed the continent from Cairo to Capetown once before, as well as most of the other continents, I believe. This lifestyle seems to me some sort of self-imposed hell... he did admit that the journey from Bamako to Djenné on the hot dusty plain in strong motvind (against the wind)had been something of a trial. 'Did I advise him against cycling to Timbuktu?' he asked. Since I had just had the military attaché from the French Embassy staying, and he had strongly advised against Timbuktu (French official policy at the moment) I passed on this advice. The idea of a lone cyclist on the long empty piste to Timbuktu seemed to me to be inviting trouble. Stay within your group, travel in convoy and don't go wandering around on your own in the desert seems to be the best idea for the northern areas of Mali at the moment.


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