But life returns to normal, and I am doing some necessary repairs and touching up the Djenne Djenno sign today, which has become rusty and worse for wear.
Tonight I will go riding on the lovely but unruly Maobi again, although there is a slight note of trepidation before my riding sessions now, ever since he threw me off the other day. I don’t want that or something worse to happen now, because I am too much looking forwards to my trip to Tunisia in three weeks time, and an accident would be most untimely.
Keita is spending his last few days in his sterile cell in Tunis. He is doing well it appears and will be able to leave and go back to the clinic again in a few days,Insh'allah.
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De mon point de vue la plaque d'indication de l’hôtel doit être agrandis non? puisse que l'hôtel aussi s’agrandisse de jour en jour, souvent les panneaux d'indication reflète la valeur, l'importance, et la rigueur du lieu qu'il indique.
même de loin je suis de près l'évolution de djenne et de votre magnifique hôtel. je m'excuse si toute mes suggestions sont offensantes.Saluer Keïta de ma part et bien de chose a vous aussi et a votre hôtel....!
Bonjour Kassero,
vous etiez le voisin de Keita a Djenne, non? Je vais lui saluer!
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