Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a belated
from Djenne,where this chap was very happy with his chistmas present- he was one of the last to be operated on.
The team has now left- all 100 operations went smoothly and successfully, alhamdilullah!
Meanwhle, back at the hotel a jolly time was had by all- and there were quite a few hotel guests after all.
Birgit said it was one of her best Christmases ever, and I agree.

Last night the garden was full of tables for dinner. The solar fairylights twinkled in the mango tree and the sky was unusually bright with stars. A group of people arrived from town to dine, and this provided a funny incident: one newly arrived dinner guest tried to hide from the neighbouring table because she (an employee at the Bamako embassy of a prominent European country) had one week previously told the people at the neighbouring table that they were UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES allowed to travel anywhere north of Segou! and then they all find themselves in Djenne....


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