In his speech at the signing of the peace accord in Bamako on 15 May IBK more or less accused the UN, the peace
negotiators and international opinion of
partiality towards the CMA (which includes the MNLA) . This went down very badly
with Hervé Ladsous , the UN boss in Mali. But really, what is going on is
bizarre it can’t be denied: On the 27th of April the northern city
of Menaka was retaken from the MNLA amid much jubilation from the population by
Gamou’s GATIA, the militia which forms part of the government friendly Plate-forme. (The Malian regular army
has its hands tied through the cease-fire agreement brokered in Algiers, but meanwhile the CMA and the GATIA are involved in daily skirmishes.)
The talks have now started once more in Algiers to try and reach a settlement
which will make the CMA able to sign the deal. But, we are told that the there
is a blockage around the question of Menaka. The GATIA has been asked to withdraw from the city by the
UN and the mediators, which they have categorically refused to do, unless they are are replaced
by the Malian Army. This would seem to me
to be not an unreasonable request: Mali is after all still a sovereign nation, and Menaka has once more passed into Malian control. But
it is unacceptable to the CMA.
This prompted the following comment in Malijet by someone who calls themselves
‘It is quite bizarre that the
of the retreat from Menaka by the GATIA constitutes a blockage in the peace
process, and even more bizarre is the UN’s insistence that GATIA should withdraw.
Let us remember that when the armed bandits took control of Menaka the UN did
nothing and went as far as to contain the Malian army from action. Now, when
the town has passed from one hand to the other, why are they insisting on wanting
to ‘assure its security’? This clearly put in doubt its partiality.’
And really, he
seems to have a point. It is quite difficult to understand why the troops loyal
to a sovereign nation should have to give up Menaka, a town regained from the rebels.
And if they have to give up Menaka, why should the rebel groups be allowed
to stay in the localities which they occupy?