But being a hotelière is a rather overwhelming experience. I feel as if I had been hit by a tsunami, or as if a huge untamed wild animal had arrived on the forecourt of the hotel, overturning everything and demanding total and devoted attention 24 hours a day. Now I have to tame this animal, and it will take some strength and calm and concentration. There are problems, but everyone has had a good time, and all the guests have left satisfied and telling me they had a really lovely time in a very beautiful location: what more can I ask?
And I have a new chef: Papa arrived yesterday and he will be good. He made lovely crisp and dry chips and grilled chicken for me an Keita last night- we are both totally wiped out, but happy. I will try and write soon....!

Congratulations on the Beast.
May it soon be tamed :-).
Glad to see you made your start date.
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