"The Republic Of Mali is henceforth at War" : Moussa Mara

On Friday Keita phoned me in a state of agitation and informed me that ‘there is fighting in Kidal!’
The Prime minister Moussa Mara’s visit to the troubled MNLA stronghold had been scheduled on Saturday
in order for him to engage in
negotiations with the
separatists. Already before his arrival violence had flared up as hundreds of
demonstrators loyal to the MNLA had gathered at the airport to attempt to
prevent his visit. In November last year his predecessor Oumar Tatam Ly was unable to carry out a planned visit to Kidal because of
anti government demonstrators. This time the prime minister refused to flee,
although he was apparently advised to do
so by the MINUSMA (UN peace keeping forces)
and French Serval forces present in Kidal.
Mara carried out his visit and gave a speech to the citizens of Kidal while
MNLA forces clashed with the Malian army and mortar shells where heard
exploding in the back ground.
The centre of the fighting took place at the Gorvernor’s Office which is now still held by the rebels, who are said to be holding 30
Malian civil servants hostage. 8 Malian soldiers were killed in the clashes
while 28 of the rebels were eliminated according to the army . The MNLA claims
it killed 19 government soldiers but says that they themselves did not suffer
any casualties. It appears all government buildings apart from the
government office have been reclaimed by
the Malian army.
Mara criticised the UN and France for allowing the governor’s office to be
seized despite its heavy military presence in the town. MINUSMA claimed 21 of
their police officers were injured in the clashes however.
IBK is scheduled to address the Malian Nation today. Mara has said to
Reuters:" the Republic of Mali is henceforth at war”.
"Reinforcements are on the way to Kidal. The objective is to totally
retake Kidal," said one senior military source. Certain
troops that have been sent as reinforcement are believed to be the
Balanzan Battalion, which has recently been undergoing military training by the
European Union’s training mission to Mali.
Some Malian army troops have allegedly been sent up from the nearest town
south: Anefis.
Meanwhile the MNLA are also preparing for further confrontation:
"The situation is calm right now. We're in position. We're not scared
of the Malian army. We're ready," said MNLA spokesman Ag Mohamed.
What will happen?
One of the major reasons Ibrahim Boubakar Keita won
the election with such overwhelming majority was because of his strong position
on the MNLA. He declared at election time that all is negotiable except the
integrity of the Malian territory, autonomy and self rule in the North.The
Malian people saw in him their hope for a unified Mali.
Eight months into his mandate, IBK’s popularity has been rapidly waning: there is
a scandal over the allegedly unnecessary purchase of a new presidential jet
which rumbles on but most of all there is the sentiment in most Malians that
IBK has betrayed the nation over Kidal and the MNLA since he has ‘towed the
line’ under international and
French pressure and has attempted to
keep negotiations going instead of using military force to regain control of the town and the area.
He is now finally sending in the troops. But will they
be stopped again on the threshold of Kidal? This is what happened in June
when the interim government decided to attack Kidal in order to claim the city
so that democratic election could finally be held. The troops successfully took
the town of Anefis but were stopped by the French and prevented from entering
Kidal. Feverish last ditch negotiations were
set up and held in Ouagadougou
between the government and the MNLA. The outcome of the negotiations paved way
for the elections that were held in August. However, according to the
Ouagadougou agreement The MNLA were to be kept ‘in containment’ and the town of
Kidal was to be governed by the Malian administration. This agreement has never
been implemented and despite a heavy presence of UN and French soldiers The
MNLA have been allowed to continue to patrol the street of Kidal freely.
Why this leniency with the MNLA? Malians find it
incomprehensible. In addition, some
foreign diplomats I speak to in Bamako are now certain that it is only a
question of time before there will be an Azawad state.
However, there are
now certain signs that seem to
point to an international admittance
that what has happened in Kidal this time is unacceptable:
"This barbaric crime is totally unacceptable and those responsible
must answer for their actions.” said Albert Koenders, the head of MINUSMA. He
stops short of advocating a military intervention however and suggests that “an
inquiry must be carried out quickly in order to verify the facts and bring the
responsible parties to justice."
Malians have now lost the taste for peaceful inquiries however. Will the
Army once more be stopped at the gates
of Kidal?
I presume 'excitedly' means 'in a state of agitation'. He can't really be excited in a good way by this insoluble mess?
Yes, of course that is what I mean David. In fact I will change the wording, thank you!
Such a shame, all this. And how odd that the French prevented the interim government from entering Kidal last August. I'm sure you must have noted this at the time, and I somehow missed it. Anyway, I will join in hoping for better news.
Susan, yes it is shame and a mess!
And further to the writing above, Keita now tells me that the Malian Army has apparently entered Kidal in some numbers and are encamped all around. There seems to be no immediate fighting going on however, as that would more or less mean a death sentence for the 30 hostages.
Oh, and a couple of rectifications, Susan: the event at Anefis was in JUNE, and the elections were of course held in August...have changed accordingly.
Sorry if that sounded tart - it wasn't meant to be. And as usual you should be the first port of call, via Keita, for correct information on what's going on. The journalists just hang around Bamako, picking up what they can.
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